Why do you need website?




Nowadays it is unthinkable to have a business that is not active online. Less than 50% of small businesses have a website. The number seems shocking when you consider people spend around 6 hours in front of their computers every day. In fact, around 45% of small business owners say they do not need a website for their company, meaning that they are not aware of its benefits. The challenges a local businesses faces on a daily basis are usually the result of unforeseen complexities that often arise at work, a website is a business asset that is 100% in your control. Most importantly, local businesses have not adopted such a pace. This is a point that you can work on.

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Design Services

Website design

Website design

Well-designed website influences the behavior of visitors, encourages engagement and increases brand awareness. Your website design is a crucial part of your online presence and digital strategy.

Advantages of having a well-designed website



Your website should be informative to the visitor, where he can find a lot of information about your company such as: services you offer,how long your company is around etc.



Reviews from clients are boosting trust in your company and this will lead to showcasing the authenticity and credibility of your brand.



As we mentioned before, website is ultimate sales team, its up and running 24/7, providing any information needed for customer at any time of the day.



Well-designed website has many ways to contact your business. E-mail / Linkedin / Phone / Address / Social media. The huge advantage is offering your customers a variety of ways to contact your business.



Including portfolio on your website is a professional way to showcase your work. That will definetely help you get new customer, since they can see your results.



FAQs enable you to deal with specific queries that your customers have about your business.

Why do we provide design services?

Why do we provide design services

In Kaihok we know that home service companies lack of having website, while website is like a living breathing representation of your business.

It's the ultimate sales team, working for you around the clock.

Thats why we come to rescue!

Since we provide marketing services to home service companies, we decided to go full-in and support your company even in design field.

We will take care of your website to have the best representation to your customers and convert your incoming leads.

What online marketing is about

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